Whole Measures Demo
End Date: 10/22/2006 Logged in as: demo@measuresofhealth.com | Logout (Exit from Demo)
For the purposes of this demo, please rank the sets of practices in the following order: Stewardship (1), Healthy Habitat for People (2), and leave the rest in the order you see them. Click “Save and Continue” to go to the next screen.
Detailed explanation about this page and how it works
Part of the value of Whole Measures is helping groups understand which impacts matter most to them. Which of the following list of value-based practices do you believe are the most relevant and important to your work and/or project? Please rank them in order of importance (1=highest importance, 10=lowest importance).
As you gopostales animadas gusanito through the tool, you'll evaluate these value-based practices in the order you rank them here.
Please roll your mouse over each value-based practice to learn more about what it includes.