Vision and Values
To what end or vision of success do we believe the use of Whole Measures will contribute? Whatever your primary organizational focus, Center for Whole Communities believes success will come when we work locally, regionally, nationally and globally to achieve the following vision:
We envision a world in which people, land and community interact in a way that creates health and vitality for all.
This simple vision is based upon many conversations we have had with people from different parts of an emerging new land and conservation movement. Underlying the vision is a set of values upon which the content, design and suggested use of Whole Measures is based. These values include:
Whole thinking
We go beyond narrow fields of endeavor and interests to take a greater responsibility for the whole – from inner city to wilderness, from working ranches and farms to urban parks and community gardens – and educate people about critical interdependencies.
Respect, honor, and nurture peoples’ values and passions for place
People come together to protect and care for the places they love, offer a positive vision of the world we want to live in and, in the process, know one another better.
Integration of healthy land and people
Healthy people and healthy land are integrated and, through this view of life as one healthy whole, restoration of land, ourselves and our communities are the same.
Honor for all life and the natural systems upon which we depend
We honor the gift of all life, human and non-human, and respect the health and interpendence of life and the ecosystems upon which we all depend.
Reciprocity of success
We understand and act upon the reciprocity of success – that we need each other and other species of life to be whole and successful. Based upon this understanding, conservation and restoration efforts address truth and reconciliation about our human actions toward one another and toward all other species of life. Biological and cultural diversity – and their interdependence – are valued as critical assets for the health and well-being of people, communities and society.
All people, regardless of income, color, gender, neighborhood, livelihood or politics have access to and a healthy relationship with the land; all people are included equitably as full participants in the social, political and economic processes of our communities.
An understanding of our connection to land
We understand and appreciate the history, values, experiences and capacities we all bring to our relationship with the land and our communities; land is recognized as essential to means of production and exchange of food, shelter and clothing – in short, as the foundation for our sustenance and survival – and the benefits of this are shared equitably among all people; the historical relationship between land and power is part of the community dialogue.
We strive to balance specialization and integration, growth and natural cycles of life and death, and the health of the city and health of the country.
Shared Power
People are engaged as full citizens in the decisions that affect their lives and the future of their communities.
Stewardship for future generations
The concept of “the commons” – all the creations of nature and society that we inherit jointly and freely, and hold in trust for future generations – is widely understood and serves as the basis for efforts to protect and steward our shared natural and cultural resources for the health of current and future generations.
We are humble, open to rediscovering the wisdom of people and societies that have come before us on the land, and to engaging in an on-going process of learning from, for and on the land and from each other.